Monday, January 3, 2011

Plan for Maycomb

Ballers Unite

            The Plan: The Plan of action to get both sides of the town to interact is to have a town basketball game.  The only catch is that each team must be half black and half.  This is to ensure that this game promotes integration and is not simply a black vs. white game.  All participants of the game will be given a medal because they chose to participate in an event that has people of different ethnicities in it.  Each team will be composed of ten men who will each play an equal amount of time.  I will hire security guards in case an altercation breaks out.  This game is to promote integration between the black and the white community.  This will be a public event and everybody can attend for 25 cents.  This money will be given to both the African American and the White schools for renovations and new books.
            How it will be worked out:  The way it will be carried out is simple.  We have a town basketball court indoors inside the Church of Maycomb County.  We will use the Court as it has the required court and bleachers.  We will also give a donation to the church for letting us use the basketball court.  The refs for the game will be Atticus Finch and Mr. Taylor as they are both unbiased men and have been known as great basketball players in the past.  We will also hire cops to act as security guards to make sure no fights outbreak.  
  • Donation to Church $20
  • Hiring Security Guards $40
  • Buying a Basketball $10
  • Buying Team Uniforms $100

Saturday, January 1, 2011

To Take a Stand

I believe to take a stand is to have a belief and stay put with it.  By this, I mean that someone should either promote or stop a view that they either agree with or oppose no matter what adversities they face.  One example of taking a stand were the Buddhist monks during the Vietnam war.  They opposed violence, so they decided to put oil on themselves and set themselves on fire.  They tried to promote non-violence and peace by sacrificing their lives which sent a message about how much they believed in world peace.  I believe that Tom Robinson did not take a stand during his predicament with the Ewells.  Before the court case, Robinson took a stand against the Ewells, by proclaiming that they discriminated and that he was innocent.  After he was imprisoned, he stopped taking a stand.  This is because he tried to escape instead of staying with his views no matter what adversities.  This means that to take a stand is a very difficult thing, because one would have to go against unfair adversities to promote ones view.  One example of taking a stand is Atticus in his defense of Robinson.  To Take a Stand is to protect a belief, and it is very difficult to do.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Incidents Part 4

One point I really enjoyed during the book was that Jacobs continually talks about how there is no such thing as a good slave master.  I mean this by saying that Jacobs continually talks about how being a master corrupts you and the power you have often takes over your morals and beliefs.   One example of this is when Mr.Sands says hes gonna free their children, but he doesn't until very much later.  No slave masters have any morals.  They all claim to be Christian yet treat human beings as animals and use them for personal profit. Jacobs states that "Pity me, and pardon me, O virtuous reader! You never knew what it is to be a slave; to be entirely unprotected by law or custom; to have the laws reduce you to the condition of a chattel, entirely subject to the will of another"(Jacobs 21),  And it shows how the slaves experience is never fully understood.  I do enjoy the ending where Jacobs and her family finally become free and when she says, "Reader, my story ends with freedom; not in the usual way, with marriage. I and my children are now free! We are as free from the power of slave holders as are the white people of the north; and though that, according to my ideas, is not saying a great deal, it is a vast improvement in my condition"(216), because it shows that slavery can still be overcome to some extent   

Incidents Part 3

As I keep on reading into the book I realize that Jacobs' is a very selfish person.  What I mean by this, is that she is running up north while Dr.Flint tries to throw her children in jail in order to get her to come back.  Jacobs, "was about to risk everything on the throw of a die" ( Jacobs 97) with the possibility that she might have her children face the consequences for her actions.  This is the complete opposite of Margaret Gardener.  Margaret Gardner did whatever she had to do in order to have her children not face the hardships of slavery.  Jacobs' says that "Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own"(32) with is true because she has to deal with the lives of her children. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I pick it up, I sweat it out
I endure through, I want to shout,
Yet I don’t know what I shout about
And I sing like women who are so stout
Where it began, from Kim to Stan
But I come home for some PB and Jam
Like I don’t know what I want to be
Like flying man Darth, can I please see?
A shortcut another way, is this how it outta go
If so, why shower with no money to blow,
Yet I choose sometimes I lose to blue
Blue mystery, so influential and true
Yet before we learn we have brains
Our folly makes us so insane
Turn red on your face, or like Mary Jane,
Looking for a sunny day, go away rain
And take away pain for another day,
Why I gotta stay, I never get to play,
Go move Far East, and 2 letters make your way
Couldn’t said its better green monster, no jay
They say make it rain, and then is your day gray?
Or does the cold wind blow away, the trees that sway?
My state of mind is but just a small Ville
Yet how powerful a glare can instill
Send you chills, no air with those gills
First comes the smokes, no money for bills
And if black is good why cant I breathe with it
Blinded, they wonder what I can sees with it
Call me poet crazy, I killed trees with it
Like how a teenager can seize it lit
But its patience, best to ease up a bit,
Performance of my life, better not forget


The slaves, the masters, standing in the eve
The masters took the hunters, being so naïve
The greed took the masters, filled with vain
Greed married war with what became,
Independence hidden between families of hate,
The valley south of the phoenix, the villagers spat
And rode west to meet to fight for their Helen,
While the middle kingdom rediscovered like Magellan
They made the railroads that were already built
Beneath your feet, so the world could tilt
And tremble once again the opposite of love,
Indifference, the goal, won by the above,
The bird named Jim squawked fiction
So apart like your jaws, the jurisdiction
Yet to bite back and lash with confliction
The men who were blind could not climb
The mountains of gold turned to steel grind
From Virginia to California, non-stop
Rode the rich, former owner of crop
The rooster commanded, the hen tended
But then came jealousy, more than the serpent supplemented
When second became first but first fought back
And killed who is able in the east where love is lack
But Abrahams stars surrounded by gas
Persecution of the young girl lass
Led to the bombing of the land of sun
By the suppliers themselves, who is now one?
As the slaves and master intertwined
By the king of a protestant, so combined
And laid the king of slaves from a master born
As the new world is changing this man is sworn.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Incidents Part 2

As I continue to read this book, I realize that Dr.Flint has a lot of control over her.  One example of this is that she is not allowed to have a husband that is not permitted by Dr.Flint when she says that, " If you must have a husband, you make take up with one of my slaves.' What a situation I should be in, as the wife of one of slaves, even if my heart had been interested"(38).  It shows how enslaved she is and how evil and perverted Dr.Flint is.  I believe this to be a major ploy in the book that Dr.flint will continually stop Jacobs' from being able to gain anything.  I believe that through the sexual plot of Dr.Flint, the mistress is jealous and through that she is going to be attacked either way.  The mistress first pretends to protect her, but then does the opposite like when she, "She now tried the trick of accusing my master of crime, in my presence, and gave my name  as the author of the accusation"(33).  I think this shows how Jacobs' is cornered by both her master and her mistress.  I believe the Dr.flint will be overthrown sometime in the end of the book