Monday, January 3, 2011

Plan for Maycomb

Ballers Unite

            The Plan: The Plan of action to get both sides of the town to interact is to have a town basketball game.  The only catch is that each team must be half black and half.  This is to ensure that this game promotes integration and is not simply a black vs. white game.  All participants of the game will be given a medal because they chose to participate in an event that has people of different ethnicities in it.  Each team will be composed of ten men who will each play an equal amount of time.  I will hire security guards in case an altercation breaks out.  This game is to promote integration between the black and the white community.  This will be a public event and everybody can attend for 25 cents.  This money will be given to both the African American and the White schools for renovations and new books.
            How it will be worked out:  The way it will be carried out is simple.  We have a town basketball court indoors inside the Church of Maycomb County.  We will use the Court as it has the required court and bleachers.  We will also give a donation to the church for letting us use the basketball court.  The refs for the game will be Atticus Finch and Mr. Taylor as they are both unbiased men and have been known as great basketball players in the past.  We will also hire cops to act as security guards to make sure no fights outbreak.  
  • Donation to Church $20
  • Hiring Security Guards $40
  • Buying a Basketball $10
  • Buying Team Uniforms $100

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