Thursday, September 30, 2010

Room for Improvement

The Ideal system of Education is Where students steadily learn and improve throughtout their childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.  This is not the way that the US school system is structured. 

Real School:  I wake up and look at my clock, it says 6:03.  It may seem early in the morning, but I'm late.  I get dressed, gobble up my breakfast, brush my teeth, wash my hair and my dad drops me off at my bus stop.  Its freezing and its raining as I wait for the bus to come.  I try talking to my friend but hes really tired as he usually is. I sit on the bus and watch the surroundings as it rolls through my eyes until they become unfocused.  People start talking which wakes me up.  Apparently we are stuck in traffic.  I look outside to see a firetruck.  My first reaction is what the heck is a fire truck doing in the middle of the road.  Then I see ambulances, and after I stick my head out the window, I get a look at two buses that collided.  As shallow as it seems, my first thought is that its gonna be a very big inconvenience.  People talk on the bus while I try to get more shut-eye.  I waited a total of 1 hour until the bus finally was able to move.  When i get to school its already 8:50, and I missed most of my first class.  As the bell rings, I move onto my 2nd block, which is math.  My math teacher constantly talks about how MCPS is not preparing students properly.  I agree with him in many aspects, as I did not seem prepared for the hard Pre-Calc class that I am currently enrolled in.  I take a test, constructing numerous calculations, whilst barely finishing before class is over.  I need an A on that test.  The countless hours i spent studying for this test flash through my mind as I roll down the stairs with my friends to Lunch.  Lunch, a place where you can kick back and chill with your friends.  The idea for Lunch is to have students eat and socialize.  That is an idea, not a reality.  I sit and munch on my Cheetos, as I see kids chase each other around.  I also see people copy off of others home work.  I see the latter a lot.  How the heck are kids suppose to learn when the only time they look at their homework is when they need to copy off of someone.  The bell sounds and I head off to French, where my teachers speaks words that I don't understand.  I don't bother to ask what they mean, because I can get an easy A without asking.  And asking would be too much of a hassle.  An A means I was excellent in the class doesn't it?  Who cares anyway, it is not like I'm gonna use French in the real world.  Another bell means another class I have to bear.  This time its US History.  I sit through the class working and memorizing the dates and laws.  I bet after 3 weeks i would forget everything that I learned on this day.  As the bell rings for what seems like the last time I go to PE where I basically just stand around and do nothing because I'm so tired.  And no one cares that I don't play soccer.  No one cares about PE.  Ding, Ding, the bell rings and I race to the buses, so i can finally get school over with.  I savor the bus long bus ride, as it is a time where i can just relax and do nothing.  When I get home I have a pile of homework that I have to do.  Homework that I don't really care if its right or wrong, as long as its done.  This marks my day, as I get ready for bed and think about having to do this all over again tomorrow.  My eyes become heavy, and drops the curtains over reality.

Ideal school: I wake up, yet I really don't.  This is because seconds later I'm back asleep.  After 2 hours I wake up again, this time I stay awake.  I take my time getting ready for school, there no hassle.  I ride the bus, for less than 10 minutes then arrive at school.  I go to my first class which is R&E.  In R&E we work on  building things.  The teachers delivers instructions in a calm but demanding way as I follow diligently and work on my project.  I'm determined to make my project something that i could be proud of.  The day rolls by as Math begins.  My teacher hands me a test that I know I'm, going to get 100% on.  During class I completely understood the material given.  Also, all of my preceding classes emphasized the topics that I'm covering, through correct methods used universally by mathematicians.  I understand and complete each question easily, knowing that as long as I understand the material then grades will follow.  My mindset is that its better to get a B, while understanding all the concepts, than to get an A, and to not understand what I'm learning at all.  At Lunch I just chill and eat my lunch.  Not caring worrying about the French test, because I already studied for it.  I did not study it to get an A, but to better understand the French Language.  That's why I take, French, in order to learn it and to be able to speak it correctly.  I was not forced to take it by my parents or to get French credits.  Its US History time as we work on the concept of westward expansion and the laws based on the gold standard.  I pay full attention as i try to constitute the information in order to be able to recall it from memory.  This is because I aspire to be a Lawyer and the history of our nation is important for me to accomplish that goal.  School ends and I head home with high hopes of completing my work and  accomplishing the goals I have set in my life.  My visions blurs and turn into darkness.  I open my eyes and realize it was just a dream.

Analysis:  The state of education in the US is not very good.  I believe the main reason for that is the mindset that the students have.  School and education are very important in order to succeed in life.  Some people just ignore it and have their mind wonder on others things.  In America, many things are distracting and people are very lenient about how they work.  Some people only do good so that they can get good grades.  That is not the way school should be.  The education should come first and the grades will follow.  As long as students constitute the information they learn for latter purposes, instead of short term memorization.  Schools can help by changing the hours so that students can come to class prepared and to change the mindset of grades.  As long as the students learn from their mistakes and improve, there should be no extra stress put on them to succeed.  They should be fine.